Classifying Data is key to Data Security and Compliance

May 11, 2023

The most vital component of an information protection technique is classifying the organization’s very sensitive information. Without it, it can be impossible to effectively protect your data coming from exposure and compliance violations.

When a variety of category methods can be found, most businesses employ variants of the four-level programa that defines categories of very sensitive information seeing that public, non-public, confidential and restricted. This method helps prioritize the level of safety that delicate data is normally afforded, and it is useful when dealing with a governed industry like financial services where regulatory rules such as GDPR may require improved protections with regards to specific kinds of personal information which includes but not limited to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, and religious or philosophical beliefs.

User-based classification relies on users to physically tag info to identify it as sensitive and requires significant training to make sure that tags will be accurate. While it can work for some use conditions, it is often impractical and difficult to scale — especially when coping with large amounts of pre-existing data or continual creation of new data that must be tagged in real time.

Computerized classification can be described as much more powerful solution, and Varonis alternatives such as Venture Recon or perhaps Card Recon offer strong automation with pre-built guidelines, intelligent validation, closeness matching, and even more that can be very easily configured in order to meet the specific requirements of your business. In addition to reducing the price and complexness of data breakthrough discovery, these search engines offer a high level of accuracy and speed, thus, making them ideal for protecting ongoing business processes their best document creation or re-tagging prior to circulation.


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